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Online Free Excel Test In English – Part 1 | अनलाइन फ्री इक्सेल टेस्ट इंग्लिश मे

Online Free Excel Test In English

Online Free Excel Test In English | अनलाइन फ्री इक्सेल टेस्ट इंग्लिश मे

दोस्तों आज हम आपके लिए लेके आए है Online Free Excel Test का इंग्लिश मे। जैसा की हमने अपने पिछले ब्लॉग्स मे कहा था कि हम लगतार आप लोगों के लिए Excel के फ्री टेस्ट लेके आते रहेंगे। उसी के चलते हम आज आपके लिए अपना इंग्लिश का Excel का Test लेके आए है।

इसके पहले हमने Free Excel Test और Free Computer Test के हिन्दी और इंग्लिश दोनों मे पहले ही हमारे अनलाइन टेस्ट की केटेगरी मे डाल चुके है। अगर आपने अभी तक उन्हे नहीं देखा है तो अनलाइन टेस्ट पे क्लिक करके देख सकते है, साथ ही अपना नालिज भी चेक कर सकते है।

Online Free Excel Test In English Questions

Welcome to your Online Free Excel Test | Excel Practice Test

=A7+A9 will subtract the two cells?

Excel automatically adjusts row height to accommodate the size of data in a row.

An Excel file is called a workbook?

One method you can use to change a worksheet name is to go to the cells group on the Format tab, click Format and choose Rename Sheet.

A SmartArt graphic provides an audible representation of information.

When you have selected a range of cells and then you press CTRL+P. Excel will automatically print the selected range."

Excel offers the “Spell Check” function.

When editing the “Margins” you can only edit the left and right side of the Worksheet.

To use the Spell check function you go to the “View” tab on the ribbon.

To add color to a row or column you click the ___.

Before printing a worksheet, you should preview it and check for spelling errors. Completing these tasks before you print can save time and paper.

If you press the “Tab” key it moves one cell to the left.

Which function can you use to capture the contents of an open window?

“Values” can include numbers, formulas, and functions.

You cannot copy a formula using “AutoFill”.

You can add Axis titles to a chart.

You can format text in a cell in Excel.

You can insert a row by right clicking a column heading.

You can create mixed references by placing a dollar sign in front of only the column letter or only the row number.

Excel provides the following functions to be used except:

If you look at a worksheet and cannot see certain columns, it is probably because the worksheet has ___ columns

You can rename the “sheet” tabs on the bottom left corner.

What keystrokes would you press to bring up the “Excel Help” window?

To delete a worksheet all you have to do is close the current workbook and it is then deleted.

You can modify the size of an image in Excel.

What is the default file extension when you save a workbook for Excel 2010?

The “Fill handle” is a small square in the lower-left corner of a selected cell or range of cells.

You can move a chart in a workbook from one sheet to another.

The shortcut key to “undo” an action in Excel 2010 is:

You can cut and paste data from one cell into another. Instead of using the mouse to do the cut and paste, you can use the keyboard. To cut press _________; to paste, press __________.

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इस टुटोरिअल के अंदर एक्सेल जॉब से रिलेटेड बहोत सारे फार्मूला को एक्सप्लेन किया है और प्रक्टिकली उसका कैसे इस्तेमाल करना है वो भी बताया है |

एक्सेल की बहोत सारी टिप्स भी हमने इस टुटोरिअल में शेयर कियी है |

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