41 CorelDRAW Useful Shortcuts to Boost your speed !
तो आप जानना चाहते है की कोनसी ऐसी कोरलड्रॉ की शॉर्टकट्स है जो आपका स्पीड बूस्ट करेगी, याने आपके कोरलड्रॉ में काम करने का स्पीड बढ़ेगा तो ये रही लिस्ट
CorelDraw Shortcuts :
2 Alt + F + C / Ctrl + F4 Close File
3 F2 Zoom In
4 Shift + F2 Zoom to Selected Object
5 F3 Zoom Out
6 F4 Fit on Screen to all object
7 Shift + F4 Zoom to Page
8 F5 Free Hand Drawings
9 F6 Draw Rectangle
10 F7 Draw Circle / Ellipse
11 F8 To Type Text in Coreldraw
12 F9 Full Screen
13 F10 Shape Tool
14 F11 Fountain Fill
15 Shift + F11 Fill Color
16 F12 Outline Color and Style
17 Shift + F12 Only Outline Color
18 Space Key Toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool
19 Ctrl + F2 View Manager
20 Ctrl + F6 Symbol Manager
21 Ctrl + F9 Contour Manager
22 Alt + F8 Roate Object
23 Ctrl + I Import
24 Ctrl + E Export
25 Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
26 Ctrl + D Duplicate
27 Ctrl + F11 Insert Character
28 Ctrl + T Format Text
29 Align Objects
B Aligns selected objects to the bottom
P Aligns centers of selected objects to page center
E Horizontally aligns centers of selected objects
L Aligns selected objects to the left
R Aligns selected objects to the right
T Aligns selected objects to the top
C Vertically aligns centers of selected objects
30 Ctrl + K Breaks apart the selected object
31 Ctrl + L Combines the selected objects
32 Ctrl + Shft + Q Converts an outline to an object
33 Ctrl + Q Converts the selected object to a curve
34 Ctrl + G Groups the selected objects
35 Ctrl + U Ungroups the selected objects or group of objects
36 Ctrl + PgDn Places the selected object(s) back one position in the object stacking order
37 Ctrl + PgUp Places the selected object(s) forward one position in the object stacking order
38 Shft + PgDn Places the selected object(s) to the back
39 Shft + PgUp Places the selected object(s) to the front
40 PgDn Go to the next page
41 PgUp Go to the previous page
ये शॉर्टकट keys का वीडियो देखना है तो निचे दिया है |
आशा है आपको इस ब्लॉग में CORELDRAW SHORTCUTS की जानकारी मिली होगी और ऐसे ही ब्लॉग पड़ने के लिए निचे दिए गए लिंक्स पे क्लिक करे |
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